The Cropwalker - 2021 Ontario Planting Update v2
This is a special edition based on Twitter polls and the individual conversations of Matt Pot of Grain Perspectives and The Cropwalker Newsletter team.
Thank you to Bayer CropScience for sponsoring our work.
On May 14th, we posted a Twitter Roll-Call for the % of Ontario corn and soybean acres planted up to May 16th, 2021. At this point we are looking at 90% complete on corn, and about 52% complete on soybeans.
If it is of interest, please participate in this week's survey at...
May 16th Twitter Survey Response – What percentage of your corn is planted?
May 16th Twitter Survey Response – What percentage of your soybeans are planted?
May 2nd Twitter Survey Response – What percentage of your corn is planted?
(I have updated the corn map for a few counties since posting it on Twitter)
May 2nd Twitter Survey Response – What percentage of your soybeans are planted?
Have a different opinion for your area? Please post feedback by replying to the tweet or email, and, participate in the next poll to improve our sample size. The goal is to shed light on timely and important topics while keeping the conversation light and informal.
For more information on BayerCropScience, please visit;