1 min read

The Cropwalker - Ontario Harvest Progress Update v1

This is a special edition based on Twitter polls and the individual conversations of Matt Pot of Grain Perspectives -www.grainperspectives.com and The Cropwalker Newsletter team.

Thank you to Bayer CropScience for sponsoring our work.


This is a crop progress update based upon an October 4th, 2019 Twitter roll call. Like past harvest updates, we surveyed the percentage of acres Ontario corn and soybean growers have harvested.

Harvest is just starting in many areas of the Province

With soybeans started, and corn one to four plus weeks away, most of the province (as of Sunday night) has a long way to go. Stay tuned, for additional fall harvest updates...

October 4th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your soybean acres are harvested?

October 4th, 2019 Twitter Survey Response – When will you start harvesting corn?