The Cropwalker - Ontario Harvest Progress Update v6
This is a special edition based on Twitter polls and the individual conversations of Matt Pot of Grain Perspectives and The Cropwalker Newsletter team.
Thank you to Bayer CropScience for sponsoring our work.
To those that have participated in this survey or provided supplemental information, the replies are greatly appreciated.
This crop progress update is based upon a December 6th, 2019 Twitter roll call. For this harvest poll, we surveyed the percentage of Ontario corn acres harvested by Sunday, December 8th.
Propane - check, ground conditions - depends, snow – seems to be holding things up. Somehow there are more acres off since the last report.
Using the average of Twitter replies from across the province, we are 77% completed. Using a weighted average of 2018 corn acres by county (based upon the map below), we estimated that Ontario was 80% complete by December 8th. Keep plugging away, the final rows will be there.
The next poll will be posted December 20th.
December 6th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your corn acres are harvested?
November 22nd, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your corn acres are harvested?
November 8th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your corn acres are harvested?
October 25th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your soybean acres are harvested?
October 25th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your corn acres are harvested?
October 11th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your soybean acres are harvested?
October 4th, 2019 Twitter Survey Responses – What percentage of your soybean acres are harvested?
October 4th, 2019 Twitter Survey Response – When will you start harvesting corn?