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The Cropwalker - Ontario Winter Wheat Condition Survey 2019 v1

This is a special edition based on a Twitter poll and individual conversations by Matt Pot of Grain Perspectives -www.grainperspectives.com and The Cropwalker Newsletter team.

Thank you to Bayer CropScience for sponsoring our work.


A Twitter roll call on May 3rd, 2019 revealed that certain areas of the province have a significant reduction in year over year harvestable wheat acres. Other areas have comparable or a slightly less than normal number of acres. By asking the question “How much Winter Wheat will you harvest in 2019 compared to 2018?”, we were able to capture both intended acres that never made it in, and acres affected by winterkill. While the winterkill piece has been front and center of many discussions, what about those acres that should have went in, but didn’t? This map answers that question.

Have a different opinion for your area? Please post feedback by replying to the tweet or email, and, participate in the next poll to improve our sample size. The goal is to shed light on timely and important topics while keeping the conversation light and informal.

For more information on Bayer CropScience or Prosaro XTR, please visit; https://www.cropscience.bayer.ca/

May 3 to May 6 Twitter Survey Responses