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The Cropwalker - Ontario Spring Planting Progress 2019 v3

This is a special edition based on a Twitter poll and individual conversations by Matt Pot of Grain Perspectives -www.grainperspectives.com and The Cropwalker Newsletter team.

Thank you to Koch Agronomic Services for sponsoring our work.


This is a crop progress update based upon a Twitter roll call on May 18th, 2019. Provincially, we have made progress since the last poll on May 11th, 2019.

The average of all corn planting responses was 22% complete, compared to 6% the week before. Biggest change week over week has been Huron County, but even within Huron there is a wide range depending on location.

Soybean planting responses averaged 6% complete, compared to just under 1% the week before. Counties with the most progress on soybeans as of Sunday evening were Bruce, Durham and Norfolk.

Not all areas within a given county may be active, best efforts were made to aggregate the data and provide some direction.

Have a different opinion for your area? Please post feedback by replying to the tweet or email, and, participate in the next poll to improve our sample size. The goal is to shed light on timely and important topics while keeping the conversation light and informal.

For more information on Koch Agronomic Services or Agrotain, please visit; https://kochagronomicservices.com/can/

May 18 to May 20 Twitter Survey Responses – What percent planted will you be by Sunday evening?

May 11 to May 13 Twitter Survey Responses – What percent planted will you be by Sunday evening?